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Planning Board Minutes 05/07/2015
May 7, 2015
Regular Meeting

Members & Staff Present:        Megan Osgood (Land Use Assistant)       Chris Condon (Chair)
Janet McEwen (Member)   Mike Genest (Ex-officio Alternate)      Jeanne Cahoon (Member)
Bob Holmes (Alternate) Carol Ogilvie(Consultant Planner)       Michael Frosch (Member)
Steve MacDonald (Member)        

Members Absent:   Jesse Lazar    Elsa Voelcker   

Public attendance:  Andrew Robblee    Scott Kurtz

7:00PM  Business Meeting:

At 7pm, Chair Condon opened the meeting and introduced the Board Members.

Mr. Condon invited Mr. Holmes to sit for the absent Mr. Lazar.

Mr. Condon stated that the Conceptual Consultation would not be first on the agenda because Mr. Robblee was unable to make the meeting until about 7:45.

He asked the Public Attendee (Mr. Kurtz) if he had anything to ask the Board.

Mr. Kurtz wanted to know what was going to be on the agenda.

Mr. Condon explained the agenda and the Master Plan to Mr. Kurtz.

Approve April 2, 2015  Meeting Minutes   Mr. Genest moved to accept the minutes; Mr. Holmes seconded. The minutes were approved.  Amendment on line 122 “concerning Shea Field Lighting.”

Motion to accept minutes as Amended made by Ms. McEwen:  Mr. Holmes seconded.  All in favor.

Approve April 7, 2015 Meeting Minutes      Ms. McEwen moved to accept the minutes; Mr. MacDonald seconded. The minutes were approved as presented.

Approve April 16, 2015 Meeting Minutes    Ms. McEwen moved to accept the minutes;  Ms. Cahoon seconded.  The minutes were approved as presented.

Shea Field Lighting

Mr. Condon continued the meeting with the discussion in regards to the proposed questions that the Board will have for the Recreation Department during their presentation on May 21, 2015 Public Hearing.

Discussion ensued.

Mr. Condon reiterated that this Public Hearing is informational and advisory only and the Planning Board has no jurisdiction.  The Planning Boards role is to ask questions that the public might want answers to but it is unbinding.

Questions from the Board are as follows:

How does the configuration of these lights compare to those in neighboring towns (height, brightness, power source, number, etc.)

Please explain the phases of implementation.  Which lights are in Phase one versus Phase two?

Can you imagine a situation where the lights might need to be kept on past the stated 9:00PM shut-off time?  If so, what process or approvals would be required?

What alternative configurations or solutions were considered and why were they rejected?

Who will be responsible for turning off the lights at the end of events?

Mr. Holmes made a motion to accept the questions as read; Ms. Cahoon seconded.  All in favor.

Roll Call Vote:

Condon, Yes-Cahoon, Yes-McEwen, Yes-Holmes, Yes-Genest, Yes, Frosch, Abstain-MacDonald, Abstain.

Mr. Holmes stated that if this was a Public Hearing he would recuse himself because he had spoken against the project at Town Meeting.  He asked the Board to take a vote in regards to if they felt he should recuse himself from the May 21, 2015 Public Hearing.

The Board members discussed and felt that it wasn’t necessary for Mr. Holmes to recuse himself because there would be no vote at the Public Hearing.

Mr. Holmes requested an official vote from the Board regarding this issue.  The Board felt that a vote wasn’t needed and it was a personal decision that should be made by Mr. Holmes.
The meeting continued with Mr. Holmes and a discussion concerning pre-filed testimony and the procedures.

Mr. Holmes thought at the April 7, 2015 meeting that towards the end of the meeting things got off track.

He requested that the Board take time and go over the procedures and how they should be followed.

Ms. McEwen stated that the Board Members and the Public should be addressing the Chair if they wanted to speak and not just going back and forth.

Mr. Holmes stated that once deliberation has started no more comments should be taken from the floor and it should be ceased.

Mr. Genest confirmed that what Mr. Holmes was asking is that at the next meeting, 15 minutes be taken to go through the bylaws for review.  

Mr. Condon agreed that they should be reviewed at the next meeting.  

Mr. Condon continued the meeting with a discussion about the Master Plan and the training that he received at the 21st Annual Spring Conference.

Mr. Condon stated that they are encouraging towns to think out of the box.  He stated that the only chapters that are required by law are the Vision and Land Use and everything else is suggested or optional.

Ms. McEwen thought that there are many things that can be consolidated.  

Mr. Condon handed out a pamphlet on Community Design Charrette Program.

A Plan NH charrette is a brainstorming exercise to develop design recommendations for town centers or neighborhoods within a community.

Mr. Condon tabled the discussion in order for the conceptual consultation with Mr. Robblee.

Mr. Robblee introduced himself and said he had no presentation but he wanted to run it by the Board.

Mr. Robblee explained the property map to the Board and explained that he wanted to build a commercial garage in a residential area at 65 Goodell Road.

The garage he is looking to build is approximately 40X60 to 60X60.

Mr. Robblee stated that the garage would look like the Highway garage.
The Planning Board decided to put Mr. Robblee on the agenda for June 4, 2015, in order to have time to go over the information.

Ms. McEwen moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:25pm:  Ms. Cahoon seconded.  All agreed to adjourn the meeting.

Respectfully submitted,
Megan Osgood
Assistant to the Land Use Boards  
